Minggu, 17 Mei 2015


Conditional ada 3 tipe:
1.     (future-possible),
2.     (present-unreal),
3.     (past-unreal).

Conditional sentences punya 2 bagian: klausa utama, klausa “if”. Masing-masing klausa punya Subject dan Verb sendiri.

1.      Conditional 1       

“Andai aku… Aku akan…”.
Kalimat ini mengandaikan sesuatu yang mungkin bisa terjadi di masa depan.
·         If I have a lot of money, I will buy a car.
(Kenapa conditional 1 disebut (future – possible)? Karena sesuatu yang kita harap terjadi di masa depan, mungkin saja terjadi).
Resep Conditional 1: Main clause in Future Tense + IF clause in Present Tense
·         He “will” make good grades IF he “studies” well. *note: if clause diikuti present tense*

Resep lain Conditional 1: IF clause in Present Tense [comma] Main clause in Future Tense
·         IF he “studies” well, he “will” make good grades. *note: if clause diikuti present tense*

2.      Conditional 2     
Coba perhatikan diagram beriku

Conditional 2, menyatakan:
“Andai aku… Sekarang ini, aku seharusnya/bisa saja/mungkin akan/mungkin bisa…”
Kalimat ini menunjukkan pengandaian yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan.
·         If I studied diligently, I would pass the test.
·         But don’t study, would pass?
(Kenapa Conditional 2 disebut (present – unreal)? Karena kondisi yang diandaikan, tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan).

Resep Conditional 2: Main clause with Would/Should/Could/Might + V1 + IF clause in Simple Past Tense  

·         He would make good grades IF he studied hard.

Resep lain Conditional 2: IF clause in Simple Past Tense [comma] Main clause with Would/Should/Could/Might + V1       

·         If he studied hard, he would make good grades.

*Catatan Penting:
1.     If clause Conditional 2 selalu diikuti verb Past Tense, Kecuali “to be”. Gunakan “were” untuk if clause Conditional 2.
2.     Would – akan (will), Should – seharusnya (shall), Could – bisa (can), Might – mungkin (may).
3.     Main clause menggunakan Would/Should/Could/Might dan selalu diikuti Verb 1.

3.Conditional 3          

“Andai (dulu) aku… Sebelum ini, aku pasti sudah/ bisa saja/ seharusnya sudah/ mungkin sudah…”
Kalimat ini menunjukkan pengandaian yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan.
·         If I had had enough money, I would have flown to Australia last Christmas.
o   Kalau (dulu) uangku cukup, aku pasti sudah terbang ke Australia Natal tahun lalu.
Resep Conditional 3: Main clause with Would/Should/Could/Might + have + V3 + IF clause in Past Perfect Tense

Resep lain: IF clause in Past Perfect Tense [comma] Main clause with Would/Should/Could/Might + have + V3
·         If he had learned the truth, he might have cancelled the wedding.
·         If you (study) diligently, you (will) (pass) your exam.
·         If you had studied diligently, you would have passed your exam.
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